Interview: diversity and inclusion
Our theme for February is Diversity & Inclusion. Listen to our conversation with friend and fellow children’s yoga teacher and entrepreneur, SonJoria Sydnor about the importance of representation and inclusion in children’s yoga spaces.
SonJoria explains the difference between diversity and inclusion and offers ways that all of us can work toward making wellness spaces more equitable and inclusive for all.
This is an important conversation and I hope you will listen in and take SonJoria’s words to heart. Yogi Beans is hosting SonJoria for her signature workshop When Black Kids Do Yoga on July 16, 2023.
BIPOC scholarships are available for all trainings and workshops. Click here to apply!
SonJoria Sydnor is a wife, mother and author passionate about health and well-being. She is the owner of Our Family's Doing Yoga LLC, a parenting educator and certified yoga instructor using her knowledge and voice to empower families and increase representation of black families in the wellness industry.
Visit Our Family’s Doing Yoga for more information.
Find Sonjoria on Instagram @sydnorvillebooks
Book: Our Family’s Doing Yoga
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